Welcome to YOOMI

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What is YOOMI? We are the world’s leading expert in transforming human and organizational performance with Care.  We blend global business expertise, academic research, and cultural intelligence with a caring mindset. We are change agents who are committed to the practice of unlocking human potential…in people, teams, organizations, and systems.

In all our work, we think big, care deeply, and act intelligently to help you make your greatest impact. Our guiding purpose is to unleash the greatest capabilities of people with Care so that, together, we  maximize individual, organizational, and societal wealth and well being and co-create a more hopeful, better-functioning world.

For the past 15 years, YOOMI has been working closely with companies around the globe, showing them how to build grit, resilience, and heart-centered leadership by engaging the science of the heart, leadership, and performance. Our methods are focused on enhancing the most valuable asset of your business: your people. 

How do we do it?  YOOMI’s proprietary Caring that Matters® methodology will helps to operationalize care as a resource in your company and bring extraordinary benefits to individuals, teams, leaders, the organization, and the larger world.  The following are some major ways your organization can create a great place to work by cultivating care throughout your company.

We look forward to connecting with you and helping your company lead with Care.




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Welcome to YOOMI

What is YOOMI? We are the world’s leading expert in transforming human and organizational performance with Care.  We blend global business expertise, academic research, and cultural intelligence